Booking an EV with delivery
Some of our hosts offer rental delivery where you may choose a location or from a list of locations the host has approved. To see if the vehicle you are interested in has delivery, go on the car listing page and see if “delivery available” is visible next to the “Where” field. If so, click on “Where” to see the available options.
Some hosts offer free delivery and others may charge a fee for their time. If a delivery option has a fee, this is inclusive of pick-up and drop-off.
Airport Delivery
Some hosts also offer airport delivery to make it more convenient for our interstate and international travellers. Follow the above to see if your interested car listing has airport delivery and check the car listing description for more information.
Some owners offer this free of charge and others ask for an additional payment. We have made it easy for you to arrange your preferred pick up and drop off location, which can be set up at the airport. Just remember to choose the delivery option and add all the necessary details (including your flight number) when making a booking.