Although it is not a requirement for hosts to offer any additional extras or accessories when renting their vehicle. Our hosts are very accommodating to help make your experience easier and more enjoyable. If there is anything specific you are looking for, please look at the description of the car listing and if it still does not specify what you were looking for, please reach out to the host to clarify after making a booking request. They can assist you with getting a child seat included in your rental. You are also allowed to use your own provided that the host agrees and you take adequate measures to protect the car seat.
Our hosts also do not normally have Driving Aids. If you require assistance in acquiring one please contact evee support.
Many of our hosts offer the following to help make your experience easier and more enjoyable. Some examples are show below.
- Free Supercharging
- Free Tesla App access
- Delivery
- National Park Pass
- 1 Day booking options
- Wireless charging mats
- Additional charging adapters
- Roof racks
- Tow bar
- Child seat
- Pet seat
Please note, these extra and accessories may incur an additional cost from your host.