Extra charges are charges that you may incur that are related to your rental. For example, there are charges related to your host’s expectations on how the car should be returned in or charges for exceeding specified limits. If you have an extra charge, please check out "Paying for Your Trip" for our guide on how to pay for you extra charges.
Please note, extra charges will incur a card processing which is a charge from the transactional platform evee uses and we do not profit from this.
Exceeding the Distance Included
All our vehicles have a daily distance allowance of 250 km. However, if your booking length is more than one day, most hosts generally allow the total distance allowance to be cumulative rather than daily. Example, if your booking is three days long, you have a total allowance of 750 km for three days instead of 250 km a day. It is best to check this with your host.
Going over the limit will incur a fee per kilometre over the limit. This rate depends on the car so check the car listing page under “Distance Included” for more information. An example of this is shown below.
Late Delivery Fee
If the car is returned late unannounced, a late delivery fee will be charged one fourth of the daily rental rate per hour of delay for the first four hours it is late. A fee of double the base daily rate is applied if the vehicle is delayed by more than 4 hours, unless otherwise agreed with the host in writing. The rate continues to apply until the vehicle is returned.
If you believe you will be running late to return the car, or if you would like to extend your time, please contact your host as soon as possible so arrangements can be made.
Tags and plates are linked to each host’s individual account. At the end of the rental period, the host will request payment from you for the corresponding amount of toll usage and charging fees. A small processing fee is added to this payment request. You will have 48 hours to confirm payment through our platform.
Please note that it can take up to 3 months for some toll trips to link to a host’s toll statement.
Cleaning fees
Each host has their own preference and expectation on the condition of how the car is to be returned. Please check with your host when making the booking
For the interior, please ensure that you collect all of your personal belongings and clean out any items prior to returning the car. Making sure to leave the car in the same condition as you received it.
For the exterior, if the car is very dirty on the outside (such as covered in a large amount of dirt, mud, or bugs) and very dirty on the inside (such as muddy car mats) then this would be considered reasonable to clean. If the car is returned in such a condition, then a cleaning fee may be charged.
Some of the chargers today remain free, but most cost per kWh. The cost of charging an electric car is still 50% - 75% cheaper per 100 km than paying for petrol.
PlugShare is the best starting point to explore all charging options.
During handover, your host will outline any expectations including how to return the car and the level of charge. Please be sure to clarify this with your host if you are unsure as this may come as an additional charge if the car is not returned with the level of charge specified.
Remember, you can also plug the vehicle into any common household power outlet. There are hotels, restaurants, caravan parks and other accommodation providers who give free access to electric vehicle chargers to their patrons.
Supercharger costs
If utilising Tesla Supercharging, this is automatically linked to the host’s account and means they are being charged. The host can request payment through our platform to recover the expense if this occurs.
Please be aware that Tesla charges an idle fee for staying at a Supercharger for longer than needed to charge the car. This is so drivers do not use them for parking. Also check with the host what charging adapters they provide with the car.